New Releases

Second Chance by Jamie Abbey at Siren Publishing

Genre Gay / Contemporary / Romance
Length Novella, 28016 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 08-March-2021

Book Blurb

A dirty homeless person, Dylan, is burned when he saves Sean after a car crash where he’s trapped with his car afire.


In the hospital Sean sees Dylan differently as a college graduate who got clean from a cocaine habit.


Sean takes Dylan into his home and business and a love affair blossoms. Each confesses life issues to the other and Dylan excels at his job with Sean’s real estate office.


Sean recommits to giving back to the community, working to donate land for a homeless shelter to be built. Sean ends up proposing to Dylan who panics and flees, feeling he’s not worthy.


Dylan falls off the grid and Sean searches to find him invoking friends and family. Is Sean still destined to be alone or will fate again intervene to bring Dylan back to him?


Additional Information

Format ebook
Publisher Siren Publishing
Length Novella, 28016 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 08-March-2021
Price $4.50 ebook
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