New Releases

Lathered by Mina Kelly at Fantastic Fiction Publishing

Genre Sci-Fi / Gay Romance
Length Short Story, 4000 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 07-March-2013

Book Blurb

Since his husband, Clint, died, Morgan’s been able to be his own man, living his own life without the burden of living up to Clint’s example. Clint was gorgeous, heroic, sensitive, a generous lover.... And perfectly insufferable. Oan, on the other hand, is everything Clint wasn’t—rude, selfish, and terrible in bed, and he hogs all the hot water in the communal showers, too. Oan is far from perfect, but maybe he’s just what Morgan needs right now.


Additional Information

Format ebook
Publisher Fantastic Fiction Publishing
Length Short Story, 4000 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 07-March-2013
Price $0.99 ebook
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